From the Lab to the Field: Discovering the Bigger Picture in Seed Testing

Jake Palmer’s unexpected journey into seed testing reveals the vital role seeds play in keeping Canada’s agriculture thriving.

Jake Palmer is a seed analyst intern at Seed Check Technologies

When I joined Seed Check Technologies in September, I didn’t know what I was getting into. My education is in biology, with a focus on integrative physiology — so animal studies, zoology, and in field and lab work was my experience.

Seeds weren’t originally on my radar, but biology and physiology are all about understanding life — and seeds are a big part of that puzzle.

I actually happened into this role by chance, after being introduced to Morgan Webb – Seed Check’s owner – at a housewarming party of a mutual friend. He mentioned they were hiring. Being fresh out of school with my biology degree in tow, I decided to apply. Little did I know that a few months later, I’d be immersed in the world of seed testing and learning a ton about an industry I knew almost nothing about.

Moving from a biology lab to a seed testing lab, I was able to transfer much of my research experience. When it comes to seed analyzing, it’s about much more than just the science of whether a seed is viable or not — you have to understand the bigger picture. I’ve learned that each test we perform directly impacts the farmers and growers who rely on this information to make decisions about their crops. And honestly, seeing that firsthand has made this journey even more rewarding.

A few weeks ago, we went on a field trip to the Warburg seed cleaning plant and the Brett Young Seeds seed warehouse. I had no idea how much was involved in preparing seeds for the next season. I was blown away by the scale of the operation and the attention to detail that goes into ensuring only the highest-quality seeds are stored and ready for planting.

Small Seeds, Big Impact

Meeting the team at the seed cleaning plant and seeing the equipment in action — like the gravity tables and color sorters — was pretty amazing. It helped me connect the dots between the tests we run in the lab and how they affect the final product. It’s all about ensuring that the seeds that make it to the field are of the highest quality and have the best chance of thriving.

I feel really lucky to have happened into this industry, and even more-so, into Seed Check. The analysts I’m learning from are true experts at what they do. They work tirelessly to ensure we’re providing the best possible data to our clients, and their attention to detail is inspiring. They’re always ready to answer my questions and help me better understand how each test fits into the larger picture.

Though I’m still new to this world, I’ve learned a lot in just a few months, and I’m excited to keep growing. Every day presents new challenges, but thanks to the guidance of Morgan and the team, I’m getting closer to fully contributing to how seed testing is a crucial cog in the wheel that keeps one of Canada’s most vital industries turning.

The post From the Lab to the Field: Discovering the Bigger Picture in Seed Testing appeared first on Seed World.


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