Farming Practices Evidence Library: A Tool for Agricultural Sustainability

Thirty-four practices have been assessed for their environmental and climate impacts after screening 14,000 scientific papers.

The JRC has unveiled the Farming Practices Evidence Library, a comprehensive dataset that gathers scientific insights on the environmental and climate impacts of various farming methods. This resource features a user-friendly dashboard, making it easy for policymakers, farmers, and researchers to access science-based evidence.

The Evidence Library enables users to analyze and compare the effects of different farming practices while also summarizing key research findings.

Supporting Sustainable Agricultural Policies and Practices

A recent study by the European Commission utilized data from the Farming Practices Evidence Library to evaluate the climate change mitigation potential of 19 Strategic Plans under the Common Agricultural Policy for 2023-2027. This information was instrumental in assessing measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing soil quality, and optimizing nutrient management, according to a press release.

The analysis indicated that these plans could lead to a reduction of at least 31 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) in EU emissions annually, primarily through improved soil carbon sequestration and reduced emissions resulting from practices like crop rotation, cover cropping, and organic farming.

Additionally, the Evidence Library can assist stakeholders in enhancing water management. A recent analysis identified 15 farming practices, such as agroforestry and cover crops, that could help reduce water usage and improve its quality.

By connecting research findings to specific environmental indicators, the library facilitates the evaluation of agricultural interventions and the design of policies that promote both environmental and climate sustainability.

Supporting a Wide Range of Applications

In addition to policy evaluation, the Evidence Library serves a wide range of stakeholders, including modelers who can enhance biophysical and agro-economic models to simulate policy measures and assess their impacts in advance.

The release notes that the library, which is based on a comprehensive data collection of meta-analysis evidence, can also serve as a foundation for sustainable agriculture benchmarking systems, supporting certification efforts aligned with the EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy.  

Moreover, researchers, farmers’ associations, and NGOs focused on sustainable agriculture can utilize this knowledge to understand the environmental effects of various farming practices.

Leveraging the Library, the scientific community can identify knowledge gaps and guide future research initiatives.

The post Farming Practices Evidence Library: A Tool for Agricultural Sustainability appeared first on Seed World.


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