Euroseeds Congress takes Over Denmark Next Week

“Quo vadis Europe?”

That is the central theme of the #Euroseeds2024 Congress, happening from Oct.13-16 in  Copenhagen, Denmark. Participants can look forward to an informative event featuring in-depth presentations, critical industry regulation updates, and exciting opportunities for innovation.

The congress will begin with an official opening and welcome, followed by sessions covering key topics, including:

A spotlight on Denmark’s agriculture and seed sector;

Updates on EU legislation, including new regulations on packaging, deforestation, and plant breeding innovations;

Detailed market overviews of key crops such as oilseed rape, sunflower, soybean, hemp, maize, sorghum, and forages;

A focus on sustainable agriculture and biological solutions, with sessions on cereal hybrid crops, the EU Protein Plan, plant reproductive material, and dynamic conservation;

Presentations on global seed certification efforts, particularly in developing regions;

The InnovAction Stage, where startups and SMEs will take part in live innovation challenges, showcasing cutting-edge solutions across several sessions.

The congress will also provide the latest updates on intellectual property, EU deforestation legislation, and new genomic techniques. 

Attendees will have ample networking opportunities and can look forward to the Euroseeds2024 INNOVACTOR Ceremony, celebrating innovation leaders in the seed sector.

Seed World Europe will be on the ground covering the event. Come say hi to the Seed World Europe team: Editorial Director Marcel Bruins, Business Director EMEA Ewa Józefowicz Amador, and President Shawn Brook will be conducting interviews and attending sessions. Follow us on social media — we will be posting highlights to throughout the event on Facebook, X and LinkedIn. #Euroseeds2024 #SWEurope

The post Euroseeds Congress takes Over Denmark Next Week appeared first on Seed World.


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