Live @ #IPSA2025: Recapping Wednesday!

Day 2 of the Independent Professional Seed Association’s (IPSA) 36th annual conference proved a high energy day, thanks to an intensive lineup of learning sessions, two very well received keynotes, and lively activity in the exhibitors hall. The big words of the day here in Palm Springs: innovation and connection.

With a backdrop of a warm and spectacularly sunny day, attendees started the morning with a keynote address from ag commodities expert Shawn Hackett. Hackett, known for his deep expertise in financial risk management and commodity price forecasting, shared insights on leveraging long-term cycles and statistical data — including climate, geopolitical trends, and economic indicators — to navigate ever-changing agricultural markets. While his outlook wasn’t entirely rosy given the significant challenges facing the commodities market, he did speak about opportunities, which abound for those with the creativity and foresight to grab hold of them.

His key takeaway message was clear: success in ag commodities hinges less on crystal ball predictions and more on recognizing and interpreting patterns from the past. By delving into historical cycles and data, Hackett emphasized, agricultural professionals can better navigate the uncertainties of climate change, market fluctuations, and geopolitical shifts. He stressed the importance of equipping the ag industry with practical, actionable tools for financial resilience, such as robust risk management strategies and data-driven forecasting methods.

The day was bookended with a second keynote, this one by  JJ Cummings, former Commanding Officer of the most technologically advanced Navy vessel in the world, the nuclear-powered USS GERALD R. FORD. Cummings was responsible for what has been called that aircraft carrier’s “Miracle Makeover”, and has led thousands of men and women in high stress, “no-fail” environments. His message: “Good leaders treat their people like human beings, not managed resources.” No matter the business, the sector or the stakes, effective leadership hinges on authenticity and care.

At IPSA, education is not an afterthought — it’s a top priority. Wednesday’s agenda also featured two rounds of concurrent learning sessions, with each round filling six meeting spaces. Topics ranged from cutting-edge technologies for independent seed companies to navigating regulatory landscapes and managing generational shifts in the workforce.

Attendees, many armed with notebooks, packed the rooms to glean actionable insights tailored to the independent seed sector’s unique challenges. The focus on practical, relevant content presented by industry experts made these sessions a standout feature of the day.

Networking That Works

The day’s networking sessions hit a high note with four designated flash networking blocks, providing scheduled opportunities to tour a bustling tradeshow floor and connect with exhibitors. The sessions proved immensely popular, with the exhibitor hall teeming with delegates eager to build new partnerships and explore innovative solutions.

The networking sessions proved an excellent opportunity to get face-to-face time with the people behind the products and services many independent seed companies rely on. Many attendees echoed that sentiment, valuing the dedicated time to build meaningful connections in a vibrant, collaborative setting.

Extremely Well-Deserved Recognition

IPSA’s Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Paul Kjolhaug of MayerSeedLine. Paul’s extensive experience and huge dedication to the industry make him an incredibly respected figure in the seed sector. Stay tuned for a profile on Paul coming tomorrow!

Randy Wilken of ProHarvest Seeds Inc. was honored with IPSA’s prestigious Independent of the Year Award. We caught up with Randy for a chat right after the award ceremony — stay tuned to hear his thoughts on the honor, why he’s chosen commitment to the seed sector far exceeding conventional work parameters, and why he couldn’t be happier to have his two sons follow him into the seed business.

The day also featured thanks to two other critical industry leaders. IPSA CEO Todd Martin has officially completed a decade with IPSA, with hopefully that much again and more ahead. IPSA Past-President Colin Steen has officially completed his term as president as of this afternoon. He has now passed the torch to Scott Sanders, GM at Peterson Farms Seed.

Wrapping Up the Day

IPSA’s 36th annual conference continues to demonstrate its commitment to fostering innovation and collaboration in the independent seed sector. Still ahead tonight, attendees are looking forward to an evening of fun, music, and camaraderie with the highly anticipated Casino Night and Dueling Keys Finale Closing Reception. We’ll have photos tomorrow of what promises to be an energetic and entertaining finale to a highly productive day!

The post Live @ #IPSA2025: Recapping Wednesday! appeared first on Seed World.


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